A hundred years ago, William Osborne started his business building cars and boats on the River Arun. Four generations later Robert, great grandson of William, and Fiona acquired Hampton Quay in 2016. The Osborne Boyce family were renowned for creating hundreds of lifeboats for the RNLI as well as a vast range of other vessels. With activity on both the East and West Bank of the River Arun at Littlehampton the days of shipbuilding have left a legacy as well as an opportunity to create a new future for Littlehampton town and harbour.

The harbour has traditionally been a commercial port with hundreds of large ships unloading and loading cargo. Today, the economic future of the town and harbour is no longer tied to the economics of shipping, it is unquestionably based upon marine leisure activity both on the water and alongside it on the waterfront.
The legacy and success of the town and harbour depends upon the creation of new and vital waterfronts which invite visitors to our harbour whether they come by car or by boat. Hampton Quay is the beginning of the creation of the next chapter in Littlehampton’s future.

‘It is our job, in common with all the stakeholders in Littlehampton to work together to imbue the town with activity on both sides of the river Arun and see the harbour fulfil its new potential once again.’
-Robert Boyce